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The Global School of Systems Thinking is looking for go-getters committed to promoting social good and sustainable futures by applying systems thinking tools.




Want to learn and gain more experience in applying systems thinking tools? Be part of our exciting team!! We offer virtual internships throughout the year so you can join us from anywhere in the world. 

 Send us a one-page CV or a one-minute video on why you want to be a part of our Tiny community.

Searching for virtual volunteering opportunities where you can practise systems tools and contribute your skills? 

We are looking for diverse global talents who resonate with our values and mission! We want to bring like-minded people from across the world to meet up and discuss ideas and projects.

If our organisation's mission, vision, and values resonate with you, let us know!

We can help you identify collaboration, training, or corporate social responsibility opportunities based on your needs. Feel free to drop us a note and we can discuss this further.

Contact Us

If you are interested to join our community, email us at

Our Tiny Community

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Get to Know Us:
Tiny Thinks Smarter illustrator and
story writers!

Eleonora, our illustrator, can give life to anything with her drawings. She loves to face new challenges in work as in life, especially if related to the children's world.


June and Le Yi, the story writers of our first book, are part of our growing network of systems thinkers. June has been on a plant-based diet for the past 15 years and Le Yi enjoys immersing herself in new cultures. 

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